viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011


Robinson and fellow teacher hello these are the soluiciones to questions by the teacher in class

1. This blog is made with the intention of receiving the work for the realization of the project to win the period, and to learn a little more of the English language.
this we know a little English and embrace the technology to develop in future in the modern technological world.

2. the project's theme is dance and the sub-theme is the tango, we chose it because we want to learn a little more of this dance and learn to develop in this issue in the area of English with the help and work that we can facilitate the teaching robinson

3. Karen Vanessa Castaño Peña
Elizabeth Gomez Carvajal
Alexa Marbalys Mejia Gonzales
Maria Alejandra Florez Osorno
Cindy Carolina Jaramillo Zapata
